A recent study suggests that, Serving wine in larger glasses may encourage people to drink more, even when the quantity of the drink remains the same.
The researchers from the University of Cambridge and University of Bristol in the UK, found in the study that, bigger glasses led to an almost 10 per cent increase in sales. The findings were published in the journal BMC Public Health.
The study was carried out in the Pint Shop in Cambridge from mid-March to early July last year. The shop has separate bar and restaurant areas, and sells both food and drink.
Rachel Pechey from Cambridge, said that, "We found that increasing the size of wine glasses, even without increasing the amount of wine, leads people to drink more."
"It is not obvious why this should be the case, but one reason may be that larger glasses change our perceptions of the amount of wine, leading us to drink faster and order more," said Pechey.
"But it is interesting that we did not see the opposite effect when we switched to smaller wine glasses," she said.
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