(Image source from: Wall Street Journal)
A study by the American Journal of Public Health which was published on July 19 found that the United States police kill on average over 1,000 men per year or about three men per day.
According to the estimate, police are accountable for about 8 percent of all adult male homicide deaths in the U.S. each year.
The data was gathered through deadly encounters, a systematic review of media and public records searches by researchers and journalists.
The police-involved deaths, according to analysis is double higher than indicated by official data sources.
Individuals in sizable, central metropolitan areas are by and large at the advanced peril of being killed by police, at around one death each year per 100,000 men.
About two-thirds of all police-involved killings occur in suburban areas, smaller cities, and rural counties. In rural regions, police are accountable for over 10 percent of all homicides with adult male victims.
The analysis shows that about 0.7 white men per 100,000 are killed by police annually. Black men and Latino are killed at higher rates, about one death per 100,000 men and 2.2 deaths per 100,000 men per year, respectively.
This means that black men are, on average, three times more likely to be killed by police than are white men. Men of Latino are at high risk of being killed by police that is about 40 percent higher than the risk faced by white men.
The risk in Racial inequalities vary across the U.S. states. The swollen risk is faced by Okhlama's black men, whereas Latino risk is highest in New Mexico. The white risk is as well exceptionally high in Oklahoma.
Although men are about 10 times more likely to be killed by police than are women, racial inequality in hazard extends across gender. It estimated from the same data that American Indian, Black women, and Alaska Native woman are at untold higher risk of being killed by police than are white women.
By Sowmya Sangam