Gone are the days where handbags were must for women to carry their mobile phones and plastic cards. With pocket bras all set for entering the market, the demand for them has been increasing.
Named JoeyBra, the iPhone sized pocket, was designed by two students of Washington University. Mariah Gentry and Kyle Bartlow, who designed the bra, have said that there wasn’t any need to carry wallets or long handbags anymore. The pocket is stitched towards the stripe side. The duo said that the pre-sale of bras was underway and one can order online by logging on to their exclusive website for JoeyBra. The current price of this bra is $19.99.
Mariah Gentry has said that the bras are available in all sizes and one can even order for a strapless bra. It has to be mentioned here that a survey revealed than more than 80 per cent of women were looking forward to an all-in-one bra since they had difficulty in carrying iPhone.
The duo has said that they their Joey Bra has evoked good response and they would get in touch with retailers soon in order to expand their market.
JoeyBra is, however, ideal only to those who wear low cut garments and sleeveless tops. Otherwise, this won’t really help those who drape themselves in traditional clothes. (Phani)