Texas: Dallas Galleria Mall witnessed shootings on Tuesday evening; the guilty has escaped the scene
June 17, 2020 17:51
(Image source from: dmn-dallas-news-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com)
On Tuesday evening, 2 men got into an argument in the food court of the Galleria Mall in Dallas. The suspect shot the victim and ran away. The police personnel are in search of the suspect and the victim is still hospitalized.
Amidst the global health crisis and the protests happening in the country, Galleria mall in Dallas also became a scene for a shooting range between two people who were involved in a heated argument. The man who shot the victim flew the crime scene and still has not been identified. According to the officers two young men who possibly knew each other got into an argument in the food court around 7:00 PM, which was just before the mall closes. The heated argument turned into a physical fight and in which one of the men shot the other one and flew the crime scene.
After the gunshots were fired the officers were flooded with 911 calls of complaints and the police managed to block the nearby roads and also the mall was completely evacuated. According to one of the police personnel, the two young men were first seen in a physical disturbance which later escalated to the victim being shot. The victim was taken to the local hospital immediately and the suspect is still not been caught. “
2 people who witnessed the crime said to local news channel that, “We saw him shoot into one of the food court areas and if we would have been two feet over he would have shot us”. The victim was taken to the Parkland Hospital and his identity has not been disclosed yet. There has been no update on the suspect as well.
Galleria mall where the incident happened is going to be open on Wednesday for the pubic and is going to operate on the modified time zone given by the government because of the coronavirus crisis.
By Deepika Agarwal