Royal Blue Grocery , Dallas TX
Ad ID : 683150 | 1228 views| Edit / Delete
Address 1 Highland Park Village,
Dallas TX 75205
Phone No 214-526-9516
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Contact Royal Blue Grocery
Royal Blue Grocery is a compact urban market that opened its doors in 2006. With six locations in Downtown Austin and one in Dallas' iconic Highland Park Village, each Royal Blue is different from the next, tailored to the neighborhood it serves, and the people who frequent it every day. Royal Blue offers a little bit of everything, from Stumptown coffee and freshly prepared grab-and-go offerings, to conventional grocery and convenience items, and always tons of locally sourced products from a long list of unique brands and producers.
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Called a bodega by some, a corner store by others, Royal Blue is a modern urban grocery store that has just what you need - where you need it, when you need it.
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