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Sometimes too much love on bed is dangerous, as that can cause physical damage. The news might be bitter but it is true, a 42-year old man has broken his penis while having sex with his female companion.
The report was found in the New England Medical Journal, that the man told the doctor at a Boston hospital he heard a ‘snap’ and suffered pain in his penis having love with his partner.
In the report, Dr Robert J. Hartman wrote, “The penile fracture caused a haematoma and blood flooded the man’s penis, turning it a ghastly purple, with blood coming out in the tube in which a man passes urine.”
“The classic eggplant deformity (swelling, discoloration, and deviation away from the defect in the tunica) can be seen.”
There doctors have taken him for an emergency surgery, and sent him back to home next morning. The wild sex victim seems to have recovered as per the report, and his third month and sixth month checkup reports revealed that he can play well as his stuff got back (his part can get erection). He will definitely take precautions or play with slow pace on bed to protect his penis.
The readers are advised to think twice before elevating the pace on bed with you gear, be careful and have fun for longer time.