Does Your Marriage Lack Physical Intimacy? Here’s why.
September 24, 2018 08:32
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As much as love in a relationship plays a key role, physical intimacy has its fair share of importance. While the basic cliché romance novel protagonists may go on and about how physical touch and being intimate with a partner is not the main factor in a relationship, trust me, it is a fabricated lie and far from being the truth.
If your partner is shying from your touch or not being intimate with you, here are a few possible reasons why.
“Exhaustion from work”
With the kind of exhilarating and strenuous life that we lead, work pressure often tends to take a toll on us. The consistent stress from work wears a person out and it is not uncommon for them to want a break from being physical with you and indulge in sex after a hectic day at work. This is somewhat of a common reason for temporary disinterest in concerns of physical activity and not something sustained.
“Possible affair”
Now, marriages are hard and so are the relationships. If you have been witnessing your partners consistently shying away from your touches or backing out from having sex, it is possible that they might be seeing someone else. It is definitely not something that has to be set in stone but could be an ardent possibility. Just confront them and get your dilemma cleared out.
“Lack of things to further spice up”
If you have been in a relationship or a marriage for quite some time now, there are possibilities that you might lose the interest that you would have had back in the days. When you have been with someone for quite a long time, there are possibilities that you guys know everything about them which could sometimes be a turnoff in the bedroom. Look for new ways to spice things up.
“Kids are being a roadblock”
When you have a house full of kids and your partner doesn’t want to scar your children for life, having sex is possibly the last thing on their mind. The overburdening of the responsibilities because of the kids is yet another factor that often times take a toll on the person which makes them abstain themselves from engaging in physical intimacy. Get a day off and send the kids off to their grandparent’s and that should do the trick.
Physical intimacy is a crucial part to any relationship which is why it is important to ensure that you understand what or where the problem is rooting from. These above mentioned points could be a possible factor but then again, every marriage is different and every relationship is different.
-Somapika Dutta