Researchers revealed the fact that astronauts travelling to as well from Mars would be assailed vigorously having a lot of cosmic radiation.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) rover generated curiosity while bringing into prominence that using the radiation sensor aboard scientists approximated that a round-trip voyage would lay open to danger for the astronauts to about 662 millisieverts while making it equivalent to getting a full-body CT scan done in every five or six days for a year.
Radiation seems to be a critical threat as it gets more inclined towards the plans for deep space exploration. Due to the fact that Nasa has obeyed a target to send a crew to orbit the red planet by the mid-2030s at the same time private outfits are in quest of volunteers intending a Mars flight.
The Journal Science was known to have disclosed only about radiation revelation on a Mars flight through it's updated exploration while the time spent on the Martian surface was not mentioned in it.
Image Source: Google - Mars
(AW:Samrat Biswas)