Young Tiger NTR is one of the finest actors of Telugu cinema. He is lauded widely for his performance and the actor is making wise choices. The actor is done with the shoot of RRR, the big-budget film directed by SS Rajamouli. NTR returned back to small screen for the second time with Evaru Meelo Koteeswarulu and the show is receiving a top-class response. Ram Charan surprised the audience as the first guest during the curtain-raiser episode. The first week of Evaru Meelo Koteeswarulu reported a TRP of 5.62 which is a decent one.
The second week reported a huge jump in the TRPs and it registered 6.48 in its second week. When it comes to the third week, the reported TRP is said to be 7.30 which is huge. There has been a considerable jump in the TRP for the show every week. The viewership of Gemini TV too saw a huge rise. NTR's hosting skills and the way how he is handling the show is winning accolades. NTR too is delighted with the response. He is currently busy completing the shoot of Evaru Meelo Koteeswarulu. His next film will have its official launch in October and the shoot commences in November. Koratala Siva is the director of this social drama and the film releases in summer 2022.