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3M Academy of Music (Kuchipudi and Bollywood) , Coppell TX

Ad ID : 683523 | 1215 views| Edit / Delete
3M Academy of Music (Kuchipudi and Bollywood)

Address 757 S.Macarthur Blvd, suite 137,
Coppell TX 75019

Phone No (972) 393-0600

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Contact 3M Academy of Music

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    Mario Major has won numerous awards for piano, voice and musicals. For over 30 years, Mario has challenged students to be all they can be. He has taught at North Hills Preparatory in Irving, Texas for the past 5 years. North Hills is recognized, much to Mario’s credit, as one of the top ten schools in the nation. Each year at least 5 students have advanced to UIL (University Scholastic League) and TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) state contests. Mario students have passed the IB Exam (International Baccalaureate) with 5 or above scores.

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    Mario Major has won numerous awards for piano, voice and musicals. For over 30 years, Mario has challenged students to be all they can be. He has taught at North Hills Preparatory in Irving, Texas for the past 5 years. North Hills is recognized, much to Mario’s credit, as one of the top ten schools in the nation. Each year at least 5 students have advanced to UIL (University Scholastic League) and TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) state contests. Mario students have Many of Mario’s student’s are currently on scholarships in universities across the nations. Some have even gone on to become professional musicians.the IB Exam (International Baccalaureate) with 5 or above scores.


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