Search Results On ancient sages

ancient sages

  • suprabhatham of lord ganesa, ganesh suprabhatham, sri ganesa suprabhatham, Ancient sages

    Sri Ganesa suprabhatham 2013-08-13 13:31:14

    Sri Parvatheesa thapa prabhava,Jatha suredya tharunendu chooda,Kumbeendra vakthrascha kumara poojya,Kuryath Ganeso mama Suprabatham. 1 Let my morning be made great by Ganesa,Who was born as the result of austerities of Shiva and Parvathi,Who is being worshipped by devas,Who wears the...

    Keywords: sri ganesh puja, lord ganesha suprabhatham., suprabhatham of lord ganesa, sri ganesh puja

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    internal health care mechanism, Yoga, best ways to take care of health, Ancient sages

    Best ways to take care of health! 2013-06-08 10:26:42

    A number of tips are being given by many in taking care of physical health like Yoga, Naturopathy, walking, cycling, laughing, simple Ayurvedic tips using the normal ingredients of food available in the kitchen and many more. What is health...

    Keywords: laughing, Naturopathy, physical body, maintenance of good health

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