Search Results On burglary (Page 1 of 3)

burglary (Page 1 of 3)

  • Indian jewelers in Birmingham, Chouhan, indian origin jeweler awarded for bravery during robbery in birmingham, Burglary

    Indian Origin Jeweler Awarded for Bravery During Robbery in Birmingham 2019-06-06 09:46:00

    An Indian origin jeweler has been honored with a bravery award after helping police arrest the robbers who bound and gagged him at his jewelry store in Birmingham has been honored with a bravery award.Chouhan Pal was presented with the...

    Keywords: Pal, Chouhan Pal, Chouhan Pal presented bravery award, Chouhan

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    Indians death in london, best place to live in uk for indian, indian origin shopkeeper ravi katharkamar stabbed to death in london, Burglary

    Indian Origin Shopkeeper Ravi Katharkamar Stabbed to Death in London 2019-03-27 05:04:31

    The 54-year-old Indian origin man who is running newsagent’s shop in the United Kingdom has been stabbed to death during a burglary at his store on Sunday. Ravi Katharkamar, who was thought to have two children, was attacked as he...

    Keywords: indians in uk, Indian origin, Ravi Katharkamar in london, indian population in london

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    Indian origin woman in london, Indian Origin Woman Convicted of Robbery in London, 28 year old indian origin woman convicted of robbery in london, Burglary

    28-Year-Old Indian Origin Woman Convicted of Robbery in London 2019-07-22 05:13:38

    An Indian origin woman including three others has been found guilty of a robbery at commercial premises in Lambeth, South London, in August last year.The 28-year-old Harpreet Kaur, from Hounslow, was found guilty at Inner London Crown Court on Friday...

    Keywords: Indian origin, Harpreet Kaur, Indian origin woman in london, Indian origin woman in london

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    vehicle, Indian origin man, indian origin man jailed in uk over handling stolen vehicles, Burglary

    Indian-Origin Man Jailed in UK Over Handling Stolen Vehicles 2018-10-17 05:24:39

    An Indian-origin man has been sentenced to eight years in jail by the United Kingdom court for the handling of 19 stolen high-value vehicles worth over 7,00,000 pounds. Chirag Patel, 39, was found guilty of conspiracy to handle stolen goods...

    Keywords: high value, vehicle, vehicles, vehicle

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    Vandalized Hindu Temple in Kentucky, swaminarayan temple in Kentucky, hundreds appear to clean up vandalized hindu temple in kentucky, Burglary

    Hundreds Appear to Clean up Vandalized Hindu Temple in Kentucky 2019-02-05 11:43:55

    A week after a Hindu temple in Louisville, Kentucky was vandalized, hundreds of volunteers showed up to clean up and bring temple in its previous state. On Saturday morning, hundreds of people from irrespective of religion stood together to paint...

    Keywords: lexington hindu temple timings, swaminarayan temple louisville, swaminarayan temple in Kentucky, lexington hindu temple timings

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    Tabrez ansari killed, religious violence in India, muslims in north texas protest religious violence in india, Burglary

    Muslims in North Texas Protest Religious Violence in India 2019-07-15 15:34:59

    Indian Muslim community members of North Texas on Sunday protested against recent attacks against Muslims and other religious minorities in India. About 200 people gathered at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas chanting: "We are Tabrez! Justice for Tabrez!" in reaction...

    Keywords: Justice for Tabrez, religious violence in India, Indian community in north texas, muslims in north texas

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