Search Results On chamundi


  • Tollywood, Tollywood, sunil gavaskar nagarjuna buys ibl mumbai masters team, Chamundi

    Sunil Gavaskar, Nagarjuna buys IBL Mumbai Masters team 2013-07-18 09:48:16

    After Indian Premier League, it's time for Indian Badminton League (IBL) to grab some spotlight. A cartel of biggies like Sunil Gavasakar, Tollywood superstar Nagarjuna and ex-manager of the Indian cricket team and entrepreneur Vankina Chamundeswaranath (better known as Chamundi)...

    Keywords: Vankina Chamundeswaranath, Sunil Gavaskar, Nagarjuna buys IBL Mumbai Masters team, Nagarjuna buys IBL Mumbai Masters team

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    Chamundeshwari Temple, Navarathri, must to visit nine prominent shakti peethas, Chamundi

    Must to visit nine prominent Shakti Peethas 2016-04-13 07:15:30

    Ardent devotees of  Maa Shakti (a form of Goddess Durga) must flock to Shakti Peethas, which are scattered all through Indian subcontinent, especially during holy days of Navrathri. Hindus consider 51 Shakti Peethas as the most prominent and revered places...

    Keywords: Maha Kali Devi Temple, Navarathri, Maha Kali Devi Temple, Maha Kali Devi Temple

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