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  • NASA, Sun, nasa s solar orbiter captures the first ever closest image of sun, Closest image

    NASA’s Solar Orbiter Captures the First Ever Closest Image of SUN 2020-07-18 12:03:42

    NASA Scientists on Thursday released the first closest images of Sun taken by the Solar Orbiter. As per the official website, the European and NASA spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral in February 2020. When observed, the Sun is dotted...

    Keywords: NASA, campfires, campfires, campfires

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    NASA, mission, why did nasa send a helicopter like creature to mars, Closest image

    Why did NASA send a Helicopter-like Creature to Mars? 2020-07-31 12:10:48

    Mars Mission 2020: NASA has launched a perseverance mission to mars from an Air Force station in Florida on July 30. It is the most sophisticated vehicle ever sent to mars.NASA, on July 30 has launched a perseverance mission on...

    Keywords: mission, perseverance rover, perseverance rover, mars

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