Search Results On cross border terrorism (Page 1 of 2)

cross border terrorism (Page 1 of 2)

  • rajnath meeting, all party, all party meeting passed resolution we stand united, Cross border terrorism

    All Party Meeting Passed Resolution: “We Stand United” 2019-02-16 09:55:09

    Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh called on All-Party Meeting in New Delhi today to brief the all political leaders about the incident in the wake of Pulwama Terror Attack. Members passed a resolution at the end of the meeting it...

    Keywords: stand united, stand united, home minister briefed leaders, home minister briefed leaders

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    US Report, Hindu Nationalist Themes, report ahead of lok sabha polls possibility of communal violence in india, Cross border terrorism

    Report: Ahead of Lok Sabha Polls, Possibility of Communal Violence in India 2019-01-30 05:03:07

    US Intelligence report says that there is a possibility of communal violence in India if the party in the Bharatiya Janata Party stresses upon Hindu nationalist themes before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections this year. These comments made by US...

    Keywords: possibility of Violence Report, Communal violence Report, US report on India, US Report

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    Kashmiri pandits community in US, kashmiri pandits in US, indian americans urge trump administration to fully support india s decision on kashmir, Cross border terrorism

    Indian Americans Urge Trump Administration to ‘Fully Support’ India’s Decision on Kashmir 2019-08-07 05:18:57

    The Indian diaspora in the United States has called on Trump administration to “fully support” India’s decision to revoke Article 370, the constitutional provision that accorded special status to Jammu and Kashmir. They also urged to exert pressure on Pakistan...

    Keywords: kashmiri pandits and article 370, Kashmiri pandits in united states, who are kashmiri pandits, who are kashmiri pandits

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    Pakistan, India, us to india pakistan resolve differences through diplomacy, Cross border terrorism

    US to India, Pakistan: Resolve differences through diplomacy 2016-09-28 07:32:28

    The United States asked India and Pakistan to resolve their differences through diplomacy and not through violence. The White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that, "We have continued to encourage India and Pakistan to find ways to resolve their...

    Keywords: India, India-Pakistan, White House, India

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    gokhale john bolton, fight against terrorism india us, foreign secretary meets us national security advisor john bolton, Cross border terrorism

    Foreign Secretary Meets US National Security Advisor John Bolton 2019-03-14 05:21:22

    Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale called on US National Security Advisor John Bolton to discuss the India and United States bilateral relations and strategic partnership and most importantly cross border terrorism and terror groups based out in Pakistan. It said that...

    Keywords: gokhale john bolton, india us, vijay gokhale john bolton, vijay gokhale meets john bolton.

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    mea statement, pakistan terror groups raveesh kumar., mea naya pakistan with naya soch should show naya action against terrorist groups, Cross border terrorism

    MEA: 'Naya Pakistan' with ‘naya soch’ Should Show 'naya action' Against Terrorist Groups 2019-03-09 07:08:43

    Ministry of External of Affairs Official spokesperson Raveesh Kumar on Saturday said that 'Naya Pakistan' with 'nayi soch' then it should show 'naya action' against terrorist groups and cross border terrorism” In a media briefing MEA spokesperson said that “It...

    Keywords: mea statement, mea naya soch, mea naya soch, mea statement on paksitan

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