Search Results On left parties (Page 1 of 3)

left parties (Page 1 of 3)

  • Congress, farm bills, farmers intensify protests over passing of new farm bills, Left parties

    Farmers Intensify Protests Over Passing Of New Farm Bills 2020-09-25 10:52:58

    Modi and some of the ministers defended the bills by saying that this move would allow farmers to sell their products to institutional buyers like Walmart. Indian farmers have intensified the protests over three bills as they believe that these...

    Keywords: protests, farmers' organizations, farm bills, protests

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    dissent note, BJP reforms, congress nod to insurance bill in select committee sources, Left parties

    Congress nod to insurance bill in select committee: sources 2014-12-09 05:49:43

    New Delhi: Narendra Modi government's reform process got support from the Congress to the Insurance Bill in the Select Committee, said sources. The government has proposed to increase foreign direct investment from 26 per cent to 49 per cent in...

    Keywords: dissent note, Arun jaitly, BJP reforms, insurance bill 2014

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    Malaysian Air lines, 2014, 2014 compendium, Left parties

    2014 Compendium 2014-12-31 12:45:02

    The year 2014 has given us many memorable moments of both joy and sad, we are getting ready to enter in to the New Year 2015 with full of aspirations and dreams to achieve and to celebrate. Here WISHESH is...

    Keywords: Shah rukh Khan, Phillip Huges, Rohit Sharma, crash

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    CPI, by-polls, left parties to hold state level meetings ahead of by polls, Left parties

    Left parties to hold state level meetings ahead of by-polls 2012-04-19 04:14:54

    Even though there might be small differences, CPI and CPM are never looked as separate wings by most of us in the country. And probably that’s the reason why they are addressed together as Left parties. Despite their Communist ideologies...

    Keywords: TDP, by-polls, by-polls in 18 Assembly constituencies, TDP

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    Lok Sabha, Left parties, bandaru dattatreya rules out cong victory in by polls, Left parties

    Bandaru Dattatreya rules out Cong victory in by-polls 2012-04-25 08:01:06

    When elections are round the corner, the party leaders will not only predict their victory but even the downfall of the opposite party.  After TDP, now it is BJP that rules out the victory of Congress in the by-polls to...

    Keywords: Congress, Lok Sabha, by-polls, Lok Sabha

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    Lok Sabha adjourned, Zero Hour, lok sabha adjourned after uproar over t issue, Left parties

    Lok Sabha adjourned after uproar over T issue 2012-04-24 07:56:39

    Telangana state issue has rocked the parliament and stalled the proceeding on the first day of the second part of the Budget Session of Parliament.  The Lok Sabha was adjourned the moment in began in the morning after uproar over...

    Keywords: Telangana issue, Telangana issue, uproar, Zero Hour

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